Airline strike

Flygstrejk - Engelska

If your air travel is cancelled due to a strike, you have the right to rebook your ticket or get your money back. You may also have the right to financial compensation according to EU legislation.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

Airline strike – Keep this in mind

  • You always have the right to rebook your ticket or get a refund if the airline cancels the trip due to a strike.

  • As a general rule, you also have the right to financial compensation for the canceled trip.

More information

  • You have the same rights when your air travel is cancelled due to a strike as when it is cancelled for other reasons. If you are affected by a flight that is cancelled due to a strike, you always have the right to rebook your ticket or get a refund for the ticket. It is you who chooses which option best suits you. Contact the airline to rebook or get your money back.

    Read more about your rights in the event of a cancelled flight

    Compensation when flight is cancelled because of strike

    When a flight is cancelled, you also have a right to financial compensation according to EU legislation. But if the strike is deemed to be an extraordinary circumstance, you do not have the right to financial compensation under the EU rules.

    The EU Court of Justice has determined that if an airline’s own pilots go on strike, it is not considered an extraordinary circumstance. For example, if it is the airport staff who go on strike, it could fall under the exception and be considered an extraordinary circumstance

    You also have a right to compensation for missed hotel nights or lost income due to a canceled flight.

    Right to food and lodging

    You are also entitled to assistance from the airline. This can include, for example, food and accommodation if the strike leaves you stranded at your destination.

    If the flight is part of a package travel

    If the flight is a part of a package travel, it is the travel organizer that is responsible for arranging a suitable replacement alternative, such as a flight with another airline.

    Your rights in case of problems with a package travel

    To claim financial compensation in the form of a lump sum in euros, you should contact the airline directly.

  • Did the airline cancel your trip and not offer you what you are entitled to? Did you have to pay for expenses by yourself? In that case, make sure to save receipts. You also need to limit your costs.

    Are you buying a new flight ticket yourself? Keep in mind that it should be equivalent to your original trip.

  • Denied claim for expenses

    You can submit a complaint to an alternative dispute resolution body if the airline denies your demands of compensation for expenses.

    In Sweden, you can turn to the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN). It costs SEK 150 to submit a case to ARN.

    Submit a complaint on ARN's websiteExtern länk

    If the airline does not comply with ARN’s recommendation, you can turn to court.

    Read more about how to settle a dispute in courtExtern länk

    Where to turn to if you only demand compensation

    If you only demand compensation, you should contact an authority in the country you flew from or were supposed to fly from. Below you will find a list of authorities within the EU where you can send your case. The different authorities operate in different ways and not all of them handle individual cases.

    List of authorities within the EUExtern länk

    Are you unsure which authority to turn to?

    If you are unsure where to send your case, you can always contact us. We can also assist you with information about what you can do to have your case assessed or if the authority in the country you need to contact does not handle individual cases.

    Contact us

Proofread: 1 February 2022

The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.

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