Alternative dispute resolution – resolving disputes without a court
Alternativ tvistlösning – avgör tvisten utan domstol - Engelska
Resolving a dispute by means of alternative dispute resolution means that the dispute is dealt with without the involvement of a court of law. The decision from an alternative dispute resolution is not binding but it is generally respected and compiled with by most companies. In many instances there is no cost to the parties for the procedure.
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What is meant by “alternative dispute resolution”?
Alternative dispute resolution, or ADR, means that you can turn to a dispute resolution panel to resolve a dispute with a company you purchased something from.
This is usually quicker and less expensive than litigation in a court.
An alternative dispute resolution panel cannot compel a company to comply with the decision it makes, but in Sweden most companies choose to comply and abide by the decision. If the company is a member of a trade association, they may also have committed themselves to complying with alternative dispute resolution panel decisions as part of their membership obligations.
Learn more about resolving disputes without going to court
Proofread: 10 January 2023
The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.
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