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Changing the price or terms of a telecoms contract
Ändring av pris eller villkor i telekomavtal - Engelska
Sometimes the company raises prices or makes other changes to the contract of your television, internet or mobile subscription. The rules for making changes differ depending upon whether you have a fixed-term with a commitment period contract or a month-to-month contract.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
Important to know
Contracts with a fixed term generally cannot be changed during the binding period. If the company does so anyway, without providing a valid reason, you may have the right to terminate the contract immediately.
In an open-ended contract, the company can change the terms and price, provided they inform you at least one month before the change is made. They must also inform you of your right to terminate the contract at no cost.
If you want to complain about the change, it is advisable to do so in writing. Feel free to send an email.
The company’s freedom to make changes to the contract depends upon the type of contract one has and what is written in the contract. This also applies when, for example, the company wants to increase the price.
Contracts with a commitment period (fixed-term contracts)
If you have a fixed-term contract, for example 12 months, that you have committed to, both you and the company are bound by what is in the contract for the entirety of the fixed term. As a rule, the company is not entitled to change the price or the terms during the commitment period.
One exception is if the provider gives a valid reason for the change, and if the change is included in the contract’s terms and conditions. If the provider changes the terms and conditions without giving a valid reason, you may have the right to terminate the contract with immediate effect.
Month-to-month contract
If you do not have a commitment period, you usually have a month-to-month contract (a contract where the service runs for an indefinite period). If you have a month-to-month contract, the company may change the terms and conditions and the price, provided it informs you at least one month before the change is to take effect. When you receive this information, you must also be informed of your right to terminate the contract without a penalty if you do not agree to accept the change.
Contact the company, preferably in writing, for example by sending an e-mail. Then you have evidence that you complained. If you use a form on the company’s website, you can take a picture or a screenshot. If you contact them via their chat function, save a copy of the chat when you have finished. If you telephone them, you can record the conversation. As long as you are one of the parties to the conversation, it is legally permission to record it.
You should include the following information when contacting the company:
customer number and Swedish civil registration number
telephone number, home postal address and e-mail address
You can turn to The Swedish Telecom Advisors (Telekområdgivarna) for advice.
If your operator is a member of the Swedish Telecom Advisors, they may also be able to assist in contacting the company.
The advice is free of charge for you as a consumer.
The Swedish Telecom Advisers (In Swedish)
The content on this page has been created in collaboration with one or more authorities and consumer agencies. The Swedish Consumer Agency collaborates with others in our mission to guide consumers.