Changing your mind about or cancelling a flight

Avboka eller ångra flygresa - Engelska

You have no statutory right of withdrawal (right to change your mind) when you book air travel. The airline’s own terms and conditions apply. However, you can cancel the trip and get back air travel tax and other fees included in the ticket.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

Changing your mind about or cancelling a flight – Keep this in mind

  • Each airline has its own travel terms and conditions. Your ability to get a refund when canceling a regular airline ticket depends on the terms of your booking.

  • You do not have a right of withdrawal for airline tickets, but it is always possible to cancel a flight. If you do not have cancellation insurance, you will only get a refund for the taxes and fees included in the ticket.

Your options if you regret your purchase

  • You do not have a right of withdrawal when you purchase an airline ticket, but you can cancel the trip. How much money you are entitled to get back when you cancel depends on the type of ticket you purchased. It is the terms of your ticket that determine what you are entitled to, not the reason for your cancellation.

    Regardless of the ticket type, you are always entitled to a refund of the flight tax and any other fees included in the ticket.

    If you have purchased a refundable ticket, you are entitled to a full refund of the ticket price.

    Contact your airline to cancel and claim the money you are entitled to. The airline has the right to charge a fee for the refund, but only if it is stated in the terms.

    Rebook Ticket

    Airlines may also offer tickets that can be rebooked. If you want to travel at another time, you need to check the terms of your ticket. You can also contact the airline to see if the trip can be rebooked.

  • Cancellation cover is a kind of insurance that means that you are better protected if you want to cancel your trip. It is not normally included in your home-owner’s or renter’s insurance, but is usually sold as a complement. If you pay for your trip with a credit or payment card, there may also be cancellation cover linked to the card.

    Keep in mind that just because you have a cancellation cover insurance, it is not certain that you can cancel a ticket in any way you want. It might only be valid under certain conditions.

  • Being worried about making a trip is not enough to have a right to cancel it and get a full refund.

    So, if you bought a non-refundable airline ticket, the airline is not obliged to give you a refund if you cancel the trip due to worry. Many airlines nonetheless offer the possibility to rebook the trip or to obtain a voucher. Contact the airline company and ask them what they can offer you.

  • If you accidentally misspell your name when booking an airline ticket, the airline’s terms and conditions will determine whether you can correct the mistake. Some airlines allow their customers to make changes for free, while others permit changes for a fee. In some cases, you may need to cancel the ticket and then book a new one with the correct name.

  • Municipality's Consumer Guidance

    Many municipalities provide consumer guidance where you can seek free information and support. The assistance offered may vary from one municipality to another.

    The Swedish Consumer Agency

    If you need guidance, you can contact our national information service. We can provide information on your rights and what options you have to make progress. We provide independent guidance and therefore cannot assess your individual matter, resolve disputes or contact companies for you.

    Contact us

The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.

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