Debt collection demands and record of non-payment

Inkassokrav och betalningsanmärkningar - Engelska

Have you received a debt collection demand or an injunction for order to pay from the Enforcement Authority? Learn how you can dispute the demand and when you receive a record of non-payment.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

Please note:

This page is about debts that you, as an individual, may have to companies. If you are a business owner or have debts to the government or municipality, different rules apply.

Keep this in mind regarding collection demands and record of non-payment

  • You must pay invoices on time, even if you have not received an invoice.

  • If the demand you received from a debt collection agency or the Enforcement Authority is incorrect, you should protest.

  • A demand from a dept collection agency or the Enforcement Authority does not automatically mean you will get a record of non-payment. You can pay or protest the demand.

  • If you do not respond to a demand from the Enforcement Authority, you may receive a record of non-payment.

Debt collection demands and record of non-payment

  • When you purchase something on invoice, you must pay on time. This applies even if you have not received an invoice. For example, if it has been lost in the mail, you are still obligated to pay on time.

    Contact the company if you are missing an invoice so you can get the information you need to make the payment.

    If you have received an incorrect invoice, you should dispute (protest) the invoice. Do this in writing to the company, for example via email.

    How many days do you have to pay an invoice?

    There is no law that specifies how many days you have to pay an invoice. The company sets the terms. You agree to these terms when you choose to purchase from the company. Therefore, read the terms carefully.

    Some companies may give you 10 days to pay, while others may give you longer. You cannot demand, for example, 30 days to pay.

    You only need to pay if you have received what you purchased.

  • Companies can turn to dept collection agencies for help in collecting payments. If a dept collection agency has taken over the claim, you should pay the debt to them.

    Receiving a collection notice does not mean you get a payment default record.

    Pay within the right time

    Start by checking if the claim is correct. If the claim is correct, it is important that you pay within the time stated on the invoice. You should pay the entity that sent the claim.

    If the claim is incorrect, you need to dispute it.

    How to Dispute an Invoice

    Fee for Collection Notice

    The entity sending a collection notice has the right to charge a fee for this. The collection cost can be a maximum of 180 SEK.

  • You must be given at least 8 days from the day the dept collection agency sent the demand.

    You should have at least 4 banking days to pay or protest from the time you are assumed to have received the demand. A banking day means a day when Swedish banks are open (usually Monday-Friday, excluding holidays).

  • Contact the sender of the collection demand if you are late with the payment. Maybe you can agree on a solution, such as setting up an installment plan?

    Have you paid, but late? Contact the dept collection agency and inform them that the payment is on its way. Otherwise, the company might proceed with the demand, for example, to the Enforcement Authority.

  • If the debt collection demand is unfounded, you can dispute (contest) the demand for payment. You do this by contacting the company that sent the collection demand. Describe why you believe the demand is incorrect.

    You must have good reasons for not paying, such as the demand being for something you did not order. Not being able to afford it is not a sufficient reason.

    Contact them in writing, for example via email. It is important to have proof that you have protested the demand and why.

  • The Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority (FI) grants licenses to and supervises dept collection agencies. Visit their website if you have questions about how a collection agency is allowed to operate.

    Dept collection on FI’s websiteExtern länk(In Swedish)

A demand from the Swedish Enforcement Authority

  • Sometimes companies turn to the Swedish Enforcement Authority for help in collecting debts. The Enforcement Agency is a government authority that helps companies collect their money.

    If the company has applied to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, you will receive a letter (order) from the Swedish Enforcement Authority with an order to pay.

    This is what you do:

    1. Confirm that you have received the letter

    Sign the acknowledgment of receipt and send it back to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, or call their customer service. Confirming that you have received the letter does not mean that you accept the claim. It is only proof that you are aware of the claim.

    2. Pay

    If the claim is correct, you should pay the party you owe money to. If there is a representative, you should pay the representative. You also need to pay interest and other costs.

    3. The party you owe money to withdraws the application

    Once you have paid, the party you owe money to should withdraw their application from the Swedish Enforcement Authority.

    If the demand for payment is incorrect

    The Swedish Enforcement Authority does not assess whether the company has the right to demand payment from you. If the claim is incorrect, you must inform the Swedish Enforcement Authority that you dispute (object to) the claim. Read the letter from the Swedish Enforcement Authority to find out how to dispute and how much time you have to respond.

Record of non-payment

  • A record of non-payment is information at a credit reporting agency that indicating that someone has not paid their debts on time.

  • You can only get a record of non-payment if the case has escalated to the Swedish Enforcement Authority, and you neither pay nor contest the claim.

    If you take no action, the Swedish Enforcement Authority issues what is called a decision (verdict). This means that the Swedish Enforcement Authority decides that you should pay what the company demands. It is only at this point that you receive a record of non-payment.

    If you pay or contest the claim within the time specified by the Swedish Enforcement Authority, you will not receive a record of non-payment.

    Can you get a record of non-payment after disputing a claim?

    If you dispute the claim from the Enforcement Authority, the company may choose to take the matter to court.

    If the court decides that you should pay, you will not receive a record of non-payment as long as you comply with the court's decision and pay. However, if you do not respond to the summons or do not attend the court hearing, you will receive a record of non-payment.

  • If you have a record of non-payment, it can become difficult to, for example:

    • rent a home
    • take out a bank loan
    • get a subscription.

    Many companies perform a credit check from a credit reporting agency before deciding to enter into an agreement with you.

    Contact a credit reporting agency if you want to check if you have received a record of non-payment.

    List of credit reporting agencies on the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection's websiteExtern länk

  • A record of non-payment lasts for 3 years.

Help with finances or debts

Source: KonsumentverketKronofogdenFinansinspektionen

Proofread: 1 December 2023

The content on this page has been created in collaboration with one or more authorities and consumer agencies. The Swedish Consumer Agency collaborates with others in our mission to guide consumers.