Dissatisfaction with a subscription

Problem med abonnemang - Engelska

Learn about your rights when something is not working out with your subscription. For example, you may not have coverage, even though the carrier promises that you will be able to.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

Tips if you have problems with your subscription

  • Try to document the issue.

  • Contact the operator in writing and complain about the issue.

  • While the issue persists, you may have the right to withhold an amount of the payment equivalent to the issue, as security for your claim to have the issue resolved.

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  • If your subscription is not working properly, you need to raise the issue with them, i.e. complain about it to your carrier. There are no specific requirements on how you need to or should raise the issue, but we recommend that you contact the company in writing, for example by e-mail. Then if necessary, you have evidence that you have raise the issue with them and when. You can also enclose supporting documents showing the problem you are having. 

    If the company only has a contact form, you should take a screenshot or a picture of what you have written, so that you will have documentation later if needed. If you phone the company, it is advisable to summarise after the conversation what you discussed, and send it in an e-mail to the company. 

    As a general rule, it is advisable to include the following information when contacting the company:  - customer number and civil registration number  - a clear and concise description of the problem/situation/fault  - what you want from the provider. 

    If possible, document the problem in writing or with pictures 

    Before contacting the company, consider how you can document the problem or malfunction. For example, you could take pictures or a video to show the lack of coverage, or the slow speed. Such documentation may be important if you and the company cannot reach an agreement on a mutually agreed solution. Therefore, retain all documentation. 

    If you cannot come up with a good way of documenting the fault, you could describe it when you contact the company to register your complaint.

  • If you are seeking a remedy, it is important that you notify the company within two months of detecting the problem. If you wait longer, you risk losing your right to make a claim and demand a remedy from the company. 

    First and foremost: that you get the situation remedied 

    Rectifying the situation means that the company will correct the fault without additional charge to the consumer. The fault must be rectified, for instance by the item being repaired, at no additional cost to you, within a reasonable period of time from the date you registered your complaint about the fault. This is of course provided that the fault is due to something which the company or manufacturer is responsible for. As a general rule, the company has two attempts to rectify a fault. 

    A right to receive a price reduction 

    During the time there has been a default you have the right to receive a price reduction.

    Your ultimate remedy is that you can rescind the purchase 

    A rescission means that the purchase is annulled. If, after repeated attempts, the company is unable to remedy the situation resolving the problem, you may have the right to cancel the contract, without having to take any commitment period or notice period into account. 

    If the purpose of the subscription is defeated because of the fault, and the provider of services has understood or should have understood this, you may be entitled to cancel the purchase even if the company has not yet had the opportunity to correct the fault.

  • While the fault is unresolved, you may have the right to withhold as much of the payment as the fault represents, as security for your claim to have the fault corrected. This means that you can wait until the company resolves the problem before paying. The amount you can withhold depends on the particular situation and the nature of the problem. 

    It is important that you notify the company that you are withholding payment with an explanation of why. If you have purchased on credit terms, for example against an invoice, you will need to inform both the company and the creditor that you are withholding payment. Remember to do this in writing; e-mail should be sufficient. 

    You alternatively can choose to pay under protest. This means that you pay the amount due but at the same time inform the company that you are not satisfied with the situation. This can be the best option if you are unsure about your right to withhold payment, for example if the company does not think there is any problem with the subscription. When you pay under protest, you lodge a complaint but you don’t have to be concerned about possible late payment notice charges or interest on past due amounts.

  • You should not have to incur any additional costs because of the fault. The company must bear the cost of remedying the fault plus any additional costs you have incurred. So that you can be reimbursed, you will need to be able to show documentation such as receipts, invoices or other evidence of the extra costs you have incurred. The costs must be reasonable and directly related to the fault. You cannot claim compensation for the inconvenience or time you spend complaining about the fault.

  • You can turn to The Swedish Telecom Advisors (Telekområdgivarna) for advice. If your operator is a member of the Swedish Telecom Advisors, they may also be able to assist in contacting the company.

    The advice is free of charge for you as a consumer.

    The Swedish Telecom Advisors’ website (In Swedish)Extern länk

Source: Telekområdgivarna

Proofread: 10 June 2024

The content on this page has been created in collaboration with one or more authorities and consumer agencies. The Swedish Consumer Agency collaborates with others in our mission to guide consumers.