European Small Claims Procedure
Europeiskt småmålsförfarande - Engelska
Do you have a dispute with a company based in another EU country? A European Small Claims Procedure can be one way to have the dispute adjudicated and get your dispute resolved.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
What is a European Small Claims Procedure?
A European Small Claims Procedure is a judicial proceeding designed to streamline and speed up the handling of transnational disputes involving purchases relatively small amounts of money. It also reduces legal costs for litigation.
The European Small Claims Procedure is based on an EU Regulation which is applicable in all EU countries except for Denmark.
The procedure covers claims up to EUR 5,000. What distinguishes the European Small Claims Procedure from traditional court litigation is that a judgment rendered by a Spanish court, for example, will be recognised and enforced in Sweden in the same manner as if it were a judgment rendered by a Swedish court.
Proofread: 14 March 2024
The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.
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