Getting your money back if you made a credit purchase

Invändningsrätt vid kreditköp - Engelska

If you have made a credit purchase, you may be entitled to a refund or compensation from your credit provider. Your right to reclaim your money from the credit provider is protected under the Consumer Credit Act.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

Examples of when you can submit a claim to your credit provider:

  • When you did not receive what you ordered.  

  • When you have used your right of withdrawal but have not received a refund.  

  • When a product or service is faulty, and the company does not reply to your complaint.  

  • When you have bought a ticket from an airline that has gone out of business.  

More information

  • In order to have the right to demand a refund from a credit provider, the company from which you made your purchase must have done something wrong or deviated from the agreed terms.

  • When you choose a payment option where you don’t pay immediately, it is considered a credit purchase.

    The purchase can be financed by credit offered by the seller. For example, if you pay using a credit card.

    The credit can also be financed by a third party, such as a bank or a finance company that has a contract with the seller. The purchase is then agreed upon in a credit agreement. For example, a car loan facilitated by the car dealership with a credit provider they collaborate with, or when you choose to pay by invoice from an invoice company.

  • When you make a credit purchase, the credit provider has the same responsibilities as the company from which you made your purchase.

    You can demand a refund or compensation for a faulty product or service, and you also have the right to withhold payment.

    However, you cannot demand that the credit provider sends an order, provides a service, or fixes a faulty product or service. Additionally, you cannot demand more money than what you paid with credit.

  • There is no regulated time limit in the Consumer Credit Act. However, you should contact the credit provider as soon as possible.

  • Contact your credit provider. Inform them that you want to request a refund in accordance with the Consumer Credit Act. Explain what has happened and what your demands are.

  • If you need guidance on how to get your money back when you have made a credit purchase, you can contact The Swedish Consumers' Banking and Finance Bureau.

    The guidance is free of charge.

    Visit the website konsumenternas.seExtern länk

Proofread: 22 January 2024

The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.

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