Incorrect pricing information

Felaktig prisinformation - Engelska

Sometimes items are marked with the wrong price. As a consumer, you cannot demand to buy a product at the price you have seen on the shelf or in an advertisement. However you can file a complaint with the Swedish Consumer Agency if the company does not provide clear price information.

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Wrongly stated price? Things to remember

  • You cannot insist on buying a product at the price marked on the product, shown on the shelf, or stated in an advertisement. 

  • Once you have received a confirmation of your purchase from an online shop, you are entitled to receive the item at the price stated in the order confirmation. 

  • Commercial enterprises are obligated to provide accurate and clear price information. If they fail to do so, you can report them to the Swedish Consumer Agency. 

Your rights as a consumer

  • You have no statutory right to buy a product at the price shown on the shelf or marked on the product. Sometimes products are mislabelled and it is not until you get to the till to check-out that you and the store reach the agreement as to the price. If when you get to the checkout you find out that the price marked on the product is incorrect, you can choose not to buy it.

  • If you have purchased a product from an online shop and received a confirmation of the purchase, you have the right to buy the product at the price stated in the order confirmation. This applies even if the company insists that the product was incorrectly priced on their website when you bought it. 

    A clearly incorrect price

    Exceptions apply if the price is obviously incorrect, for example so low that at the time of purchase you certainly realised it was wrong. In such cases, the company is not obligated to sell at that price.

    If you and the company do not agree that the price was obviously incorrect, you can appeal to the National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN) to have the dispute examined. It costs SEK 150 to file a complaint with ARN. ARN's website Extern länk

  • You cannot insist on buying a product or service from a company at the advertised price. Errors in advertising can occur and the company is not bound by the price stated in the advertisement.

    In certain circumstances you may however be entitled to compensation for costs you have incurred as a result of the incorrect price in the advertisement. For example, this could be the cost of an unnecessary trip to the shop. Contact the shop, preferably in writing, and explain what you would like to be compensated for. You must be able to show receipts or similar proof of the costs you want to be reimbursed for.

  • Pursuant to the Swedish Price Information Act, commercial enterprises are obligated to provide correct and clear information about the price of a product or service. If you suspect that a company is deliberately and systematically providing misleading or false price information, you can report the company to the Swedish Consumer Agency.

    Further information about the Swedish Price Information Act

    File a complaint on the Konsumentverket/Swedish Consumer Agency’s website