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Sometimes, as a seller or as a buyer, you are unhappy with the estate agent. Depending upon the nature of your dissatisfaction, there are different agencies you can turn to.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
Where can I turn if I have a dispute with the estate agent?
If you have a dispute with the estate agent and are looking for financial compensation, you need to complain and make a claim directly to the estate agent. If you do not reach an agreement on a mutually agreed solution, you can refer the dispute to the Real Estate Market Dispute Resolution Board (FRN) or file a lawsuit in the district court.
You can also report an estate agent to the Swedish Estate Agents Inspectorate (FMI). The FMI does not adjudicate disputes, but it does exercise regulatory authority over estate agents. They can, for instance, issue a warning or suspend an estate agent’s licence.
If you and the real estate agent do not agree, you should file a complaint with the agent. If you believe that the estate agent has not fulfilled his or her obligations and that you have therefore been financially harmed, the estate agent may be under an obligation to compensate you. As a seller, you can also demand a deduction from the estate agent’s commission if the estate agent has not performed their duties properly.
It is good to complain in writing, for example via email. Explain why you are dissatisfied and what compensation you are demanding.
Report the dispute to the Real Estate Market Dispute Resolution Board (FRN)
If you and the estate agent cannot come to a mutually agreeable solution, you can report the estate agent to to the Real Estate Market Dispute Resolution Board (FRN). The estate agent’s responsibility is personal. Therefore, the complaint should be addressed to the individual estate agent and not to the property brokerage firm.
If you believe that a real estate agent has performed their duties incorrectly, you can report it to the Swedish Estate Inspectorate (FMI). A report is of great importance for the authority’s supervision of estate agents. FMI can, for example, issue a warning to the estate agent or, in the case of serious errors, deregister the agent.
When you submit a report to the FMI, you do not become a party to the case. Your report becomes a matter between the Swedish Estate Agents Inspectorate (FMI) and the estate agent.
The Estate Agents Consumer Disputes Committee does not adjudicate disputes
The Swedish Estate Agents Inspectorate does not resolve disputes between consumers and real estate agents. If you are not satisfied with the agent’s work, you should first file a complaint with the agent.
Disputes regarding damages and other compensation can be examined by to the Estate Agents Consumer Disputes Committee (FRN).
The content on this page has been created in collaboration with one or more authorities and consumer agencies. The Swedish Consumer Agency collaborates with others in our mission to guide consumers.