Provisions for invoices and dunning notices
Regler för fakturor och påminnelser - Engelska
Paying after receiving an invoice is a common payment method. But keep in mind that the company may charge you for issuing the invoice. Check the terms and conditions and be sure to pay when due. If you do not pay on time, you may have to pay a reminder fee and interest on late payments.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
Keep this in mind
You are responsible for paying the invoice when due.
If you do not pay when due, the company may charge a reminder fee, send your case to a debt collection agency, or to the Enforcement Authority.
If you have received an inaccurate invoice, a dunning charge or a demand for payment from a debt collector or Enforcement Authority, you need to contest the claim with a written response to the company.
Invoices and invoice fee
Proofread: 19 December 2024