Send cases by email to ECC Sweden

Skicka ärenden via e-post till Konsument Europa - Engelska

When you are to email your case in to us, there are a few things you can do so we will be able to process your case faster.

Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.

What you should do

  • In order for us to be able to take care of your case as quickly and well as possible, we need to get some information from you.

    Send your email to:

    You message to us needs to contain:

    • Your name and the company’s name
    • A description of the problem
    • Documentation as evidence of your case

    Documentation may for example be:

    • Agreements/agreement terms
    • Screen dumps of advertisements
    • Invoices/receipts for purchases
    • Your complaint or right of withdrawal notification that you sent to the company
    • Images/other materials that show the fault (preferably write what you want to prove with each image)
    • Emails that you and the company sent to each other
    • Tickets/boarding cards (for travel)
    • Receipts, if you want to claim compensation for expenses
    • Baggage receipts
    • PIR report (if your baggage was damaged or went missing in connection with air travel)

    It is also good if you include information such as:

    • Dates that you ordered and received the product/serviceThe price of the product/service
    • Means of payment (for example bank card, credit card, cash payment)
    • Sales method (for example in store, e-commerce, phone sales)
    • Suggestion of solution

    We can unfortunately not accept messages or cases by SMS and MMS. Send your case by email instead.

  • We prefer that you send us your documentation, such as receipts, as PDF files. Name the files as clearly as you can, such as “Order confirmation” if you send us an order confirmation. If you send us agreements or agreement terms, they need to be complete.

    Documentation that shows your and the company’s written dialogue should preferably be arranged in chronological order. We also need to be able to see sender, recipient and date if you attach emails.

    We need to receive all documentation in your case within four weeks otherwise the case will be closed.

  • Since we scan in all materials that come in to us, it is good if you, in addition to the points above, consider that the documentation you send in to us are in A4 format and free from tape, post-its, registers, staples, paper clips or the like.

  • Once you submit the case, it is registered in our case management system and you are assigned a case officer. The case officer will go through your case and will then contact you. You are then assigned a case number that you must save for further contact with us.

    Cases are processed in the order received

    We receive many cases every day, and the cases are processed in the order they are received. If your case is urgent (for example on a deadline), it is better to call us during our phone hours.

    The case may be shared with one of our sister centres

    If we deem that the company has not followed applicable legislation with regard to your rights as a consumer, the case may be shared with the ECC centre in the country that the company is located in. They will then contact the company for you and provide information about what you have a right to by law.

    We cannot compel a company to do anything

    Our network cannot force a company to do anything, but rather we can only mediate between you and the company and provide information on rights and obligations. If the company refuses to cooperate, we try to find a dispute resolution body that you can turn to.

    Your case becomes official documents

    All cases are saved in our case management system. It is not possible to submit a case anonymously. Documents that come in are in most cases public as ECC Sweden is governed by the Swedish principle of public access to official documents.

    Read more about how your personal data is processed with us at the ECC Sweden websiteExtern länk

    You will receive a consumer survey

    To improve our service, we will send you a consumer survey once your case is closed. You will then have the opportunity to share your experiences and suggest improvements.

Proofread: 6 February 2025

The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.

The content of this website represents the views of the author only and it is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.

European Union flag with the text: Co-funded by the European Union