The ECC Network’s quality assurance
ECC-nätverkets kvalitetssäkring - Engelska
The ECC Network Quality Charter describes the services you can expect to receive when you contact an office within the ECC Network, as well as the quality level of these services.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
Overview of the ECC Network
The European Consumer Centres (ECC) Network consists of 29 offices located in all EU Member States, as well as Norway and Iceland. The ECC-network also collaborates with a consumer office in the United Kingdom. Each office is co-funded by the European Commission and the national government of the country in which it is located. In Sweden, ECC Sweden is partially funded by the Swedish Consumer Agency.
The ECC Network offers free information and advice to consumers about cross-border trade within the EU, Norway, Iceland and the UK. The network works in close collaboration and also acts as a mediator between consumers and businesses when problems arise in cross-border trade.
The aim of this enterprise is to help make it easy and reliable for consumers to make cross-border purchases and to allow them to partake of the advantages and choices provided by the European single market.
What does ECC Sweden do for you?
Proofread: 6 February 2025
The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.
The content of this website represents the views of the author only and it is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.