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A warranty means that the company guarantees that the product or service will function for a certain period. It is voluntary for a company to provide a guarantee. The company sets the rules for the guarantee. However, remember that you always have the legal right to complain against defects in goods and services.
Translated page: This text has been translated from Swedish. The text and appearance of the page may look different from the original page.
Warranty – What Rules Apply?
It is voluntary for the company to offer a guarantee.
You should receive written information about what the guarantee entails.
Regardless of whether you have a guarantee or not, you always have the legal right to make a complaint. You can make a complaint for at least three years.
A warranty is a promise from the company that what you buy will work for a certain period of time. The warranty can be provided by the company from which you purchased the product or service, or, for example, by the manufacturer.
It is optional for a company to provide a warranty and the company determines itself what the rules for the warranty look like. They determine, for example, how long your warranty lasts and which parts of the product or service are covered.
Product warranty
During the warranty period, you can demand that the company fixes any issues covered by the warranty.
Service warranty
If the service you purchased was performed incorrectly, the company must fix the error free of charge during the warranty period.
The company has the burden of proof
The company has the burden of proof during the warranty period. This means that if they cannot disprove that it is a fault they are not responsible for, they must fix the fault. A warranty can therefore give you better rights than those you have under consumer legislation. According to the Consumer Sales Act, the burden of proof lies with the company for the first two years. According to the Consumer Services Act, the burden of proof always lies with you.
what is required for you to be able to use the warranty
that your rights according to law are not affected.
Complain to the company responsible for the warranty
Do you want to complain about a product or service based on a warranty? Then you should contact the company responsible for the warranty
During the warranty period, you have the right to demand the same measures that you are entitled to under the Consumer Sales Act.
An exception is if you have purchased a product and the manufacturer of the product has provided the warranty. In that case, you can demand repair or replacement of the product from the manufacturer, unless otherwise stated in the warranty terms. If a price reduction or cancellation becomes relevant, you should contact the company from which you purchased the product with your claims.
If a defect on your product is covered by the warranty, it must be fixed at no cost to you. You also have the right to receive compensation for extra costs you have because of the defect on the product. This may, for example, be expenses for travelling to the company.
Does the company charge for a warranty service?
If a company charges for a warranty measure, you can report the company to the Swedish Consumer Agency.
If a company markets its warranty with better terms than the warranty certificate you receive at the time of purchase, the marketed terms still apply. However, this does not apply if the company has managed to change the marketing before the purchase so that it matches the terms in your warranty certificate.
A warranty and the legal right to complain are two different things that are sometimes mixed up. Both concern what you are entitled to if something you purchased is defective. The difference is that you always have the right to make a complaint. This is stated in the Consumer Sales Act. However, it is not certain that you will receive a warranty. Companies decide for themselves whether they want to offer a warranty or not.
The warranty must not give you fewer rights than the law. For example, if you have a two-year warranty on a product and it breaks after that, you can still make a complaint for another year, as you have the right to make a complaint for three years according to the law.
Right to Complain
The right to complain means that you are legally entitled to complain about defects in a product or service you have purchased. It is always the company from which you bought the product that you should complain to.
You have the right to complain about a defective product for three years. If you have purchased a service, you have the right to complain for three or ten years, depending on the type of service you purchased.
If you and the company cannot reach an agreement, you can file a complaint to the public authority The National Board for Consumer Disputes (ARN).
ARN will assess your case and make a recommendation on how to resolve the dispute. Most companies follow ARN’s recommendations.
A normal processing time is approximately six months.
What does it cost to file a complaint with ARN?
It costs SEK 150 to file a complaint with ARN. When you submit your complaint, you can request that the company compensates you for the cost if ARN makes a recommendation in your favor.
Requirements for ARN to be able to review your case
The company has either rejected your claims or has not responded within a reasonable time.
The amount you and the company disagree on is higher than ARN’s value limit for the area the case concerns. You cannot include the fee for filing a complaint with ARN.
You file the complaint within one year from the first time you complained to the company.
It is not certain that you get to keep a warranty when you buy it from another private individual. Sometimes only the person who bought the product from the company can use the warranty. Whether you get to keep the warranty depends on the warranty terms.
To determine what the rules are you need to read the warranty terms. If you do not have access to the terms, you can ask the company that originally sold the product if you can get them.
If the seller has promised you a warranty and the company says no, you must direct your claims to the seller.
The Consumer Sales Act does not apply to purchases between private individuals.
The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.
The content of this website represents the views of the author only and it is his/her sole responsibility; it cannot be considered to reflect the views of the European Commission and/or the European Innovation Council and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Executive Agency (EISMEA) or any other body of the European Union. The European Commission and the Agency do not accept any responsibility for use that may be made of the information it contains.
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