Cancelled flight
When your flight is cancelled, you are usually entitled to rebooking or a refund. You may also be entitled to compensation and assistance from the airline.
Delayed flight
If your flight is delayed, you may be entitled to compensation and help from the airline. Find out how much compensation you can demand and what to do if the airline denies your demands.
Changed departure time
You may be entitled to compensation if the airline changes your departure time.
Missed connecting flight
When you miss your connecting flight, you may be entitled to compensation and help from the airline.
Denied boarding
If you have been denied boarding because of, for example, an overbooked flight, you have the right to assistance and compensation from the airline.
Delayed or missing baggage after air travel
When your baggage is delayed or lost during a flight, you can claim compensation from the airline.
Damaged baggage after air travel
When your baggage is damaged during a flight, you can claim compensation from the airline.
Airline strike
Your rights when the airline cancels the trip due to a strike.
Airlines in bankruptcy
What happens if an airline goes bankrupt? Read about your rights and possibilities to get your money back
Changing your mind about or cancelling a flight
The airline’s terms and conditions determine your ability to cancel the trip and get a refund for the ticket.
Air travel with a disability
There are special rules intended to make air travel easier for you if you have a disability.
The content is presented in collaboration with ECC Sweden, which is part of the ECC network and the Swedish Consumer Agency's information service. ECC Sweden is part-financed by the European Union.